
The technologies powering NeoMedSys

NeoMedSys is a microservice with two primary components, each consisting of smaller ones. Refer to this section for technical information about these components.


Machine Learning Production System

Machine learning models need a home and proper maintenance while they're making predictions. Our production system, MLFactory, monitors, maintains, validates, and makes use of these models. Here, we apply application logic to transform the model from a brilliant conceptual idea into a safe product for use in hospitals. Built on top of our own database, MLFactory comprises robust systems that guarantee data security, reliability, compliance, and traceability.

We employ machine learning operations (MLOps) to build a secure, version-controlled, fail-tolerant, and efficient machine learning production system. All AI models are validated using newly generated data or adjusted predictions. We deploy AI applications using cloud-native technologies, managed through container orchestration, and secure them using TLS connections.

Model Hosting and Monitoring
MLFactory provides a home for trained machine learning models, ensuring their well-being while they make predictions.
Maintenance and Validation
We offer maintenance and validation services to ensure that models are in optimal condition and provide accurate results.
Application Logic Integration
MLFactory serves as the platform where application logic is integrated with machine learning models, transforming ideas into usable products for hospitals.


The medical imaging database

We are introducing an improved way of storing medical data to make it highly accessible for scientists, analysts, and clinicians. Our database system offers both availability and security, allowing users to access the data directly in their code or through the web interface. The microservice architecture is designed to be flexible, scalable, and data/vendor agnostic, with a strong emphasis on information security. We are using inherently scalable data technology and we select the best technology for the given kind of structured or unstructured data.

Our goal with MedQuery is to provide clinicians, medical researchers, and hospital management with a significantly improved and unprecedented data management experience. The database system offers granulated access control on and between the software technology deployed on NeoMedSys. All connections are either firewall-protected or encrypted with TLS 1.3 using the latest encryption algorithms and dynamic CA certificates. Every entry and endpoint is securely protected, and we have server-side storage encryption for all data. User behavior is continuously monitored to identify unusual activity. This setup ensures highly secure handling of sensitive medical data without compromising data accessibility.

High Accessibility
MedQuery provides a highly accessible way to store medical data, benefiting scientists, analysts, and clinicians.
Efficient Data Access
Users can access data directly in their code or through the web interface, thanks to the system's efficiency.
Flexible and Scalable Architecture
MedQuery's architecture is designed for flexibility and scalability, accommodating the evolving needs of healthcare data.
Information Security Emphasis
The platform places a strong emphasis on information security, ensuring the safe storage and handling of sensitive medical data.
Data Agnostic
MedQuery is data-type agnostic, capable of storing both structured and unstructured data efficiently.
Tailored Technology Selection
The platform selects the most suitable technology for the type of data, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility.

Learn more about the platform

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